Chicago Corruption

Unlicensed migrant crashed car into their shelter’s wall, Chicago police report says

August 18, 2023

CHICAGO — A migrant living at the Piotrowski Park shelter was ticketed after he drove someone’s car into a park building on Monday evening, according to a Chicago police traffic crash report. August 18, 2023 10:22 PMhttps://cwbchicago.comCWBChicago Citywide The report…

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The Billionaire and The “Socialist”

April 7, 2023

JB is a billionaire .. anyone figure out why a socialist union like the CTU supports a billionaire and why a socialist mayor-elect would take a picture with a billionaire? … reports and history show it has not happened where…

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Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying and Replacing Black students with Migrants in a Closed School

January 2, 2023

We are working on this story to get the background of what happened. Here is what we have so far. The Chicago Public Schools converted a closed African American school into a shelter for migrants, the former Wadsworth Elementary School,…

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Jadine Chou, Head of Chicago Public Schools security, has failed to keep students and schools safe … Why does she still have a job?

December 17, 2022

  One of the first people appointed to an executive position at Chicago Public Schools by the new administration under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Jadine Chou has served as “Chief Officer for Security and Safety” since June 2011. Under Chou’s leadership,…

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CPS officials are covering up deaths in the schools in violation of federal law which requires reporting of all deaths within eight hours

September 30, 2015

CPS claims providing information is ‘burdensome’ while ignoring how burdensome deaths in the schools are… Chicago Public Schools officials are covering up deaths of teachers and other school workers on school property, in a violation of both Illinois and federal…

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CPS Breaks the Law Again: No Emergency Security Plans or Training since the Sandy Hook Massacre

February 22, 2013

Substance News has received a Binding Opinion (13-0001) from the Illinois Attorney General in regards to the refusal of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to provide information on how it will keep staff and students safe. In light of the…

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[ History of CPS Corruption ] Ptydepe the key to understanding CPS bureaucrat qualifications by George N. Schmidt Jan 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

Only one of the people siting joyfully in the bureaucrats’ seats during the December 14, 2011 meeting of the Chicago Board of Education was still cramming for her Ptydepe test, as the above photo shows. Right to left, “Chief Officer,…

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