Social Control

Political Accountability for Harming Children

July 5, 2024

When leaders say crime and lawlessness is ok because you are owed something or because of history, they set kids up to be criminals … Every pro-crime politician including the governor, cook county president, prosecutor, aldermen, legislators, and the mayor,…

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1937 Memorial Day Massacre

May 27, 2024

the Chicago Police Department shot and killed ten unarmed demonstrators in Chicago, on May 30, 1937. Full Video of Memorial Day Massacre May 30, 1937 … Republic Steel Strike Riot … Uncut Newsreel with Narration from an Eye Witness ……

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Mobocratic Spirit … America will never be destroyed from the outside

May 26, 2024

If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves (Lincoln, Lyceum Address, 1838) In what came to be known as the Lyceum Address, delivered at the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois, on January 27,…

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Players of Change: Gentrification of an Entire City (part 2)

November 29, 2023

Players of Change: Gentrification of an Entire City (part 2)@drkugler EditorNov 29th 2023 11:45 pm This is a series that explains and gives information about changes that are happening in Chicago that are at times confusing, scary and hard…

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Wait a Second … Buildings Ready to Go

November 2, 2023

Why we looking for abandoned buildings and tents … We got bunch of government buildings that got heat and light ready to go for these migrants … how come they being selfish all these government workers … We could put…

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Free speech best thing we have in America

October 20, 2023
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is CTU Officially becoming a Communist Organization … sure looks like it

September 27, 2023

Today’s Chicago Teachers Union Resolution creates a secret police to spy on other members, wants to raise taxes on the middle class, attacks free speech, attacks free association, and makes every member part of one political party without their consent…

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Hump Day Night Ride: Gentrification of an Entire City it’s Here

September 20, 2023

Hump Day Night Ride: Gentrification of an Entire City it's Here by John Kugler September 20th 2023 The replacements have arrived and will keep arriving … this is what we've read about in the books. It's happening right now.…

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Black, Latino Voters Had ‘Shocking Low’ Turnout In Election That Made Brandon Johnson Mayor, Report Shows

September 19, 2023

White voters continue to have outsized influence on City Hall, the study shows. And the number of Black voters who came out to elect Mayor Harold Washington was nearly triple the number that showed up for Johnson. by Madison Savedra…

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Trillion-Dollar Industry Powering Chicago at Risk of Leaving

September 18, 2023

(Bloomberg) — The letters are stamped all over the hallways of Chicago’s giant skyscrapers and grand office buildings. DRW, IMC, CME, Cboe. by Isis Almeida Mon, September 18, 2023 at 10:29 AM CDT·7 min read Trillion-Dollar Industry Powering Chicago at…

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