
158°F surface temperature of a black sienna minivan Southside Chicago 4:30pm July 28, 2023

July 28, 2023
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Sinead O Connor using chopsticks

?Soyfa Athamanah … Murdered … emigrated from Laos

July 26, 2023

… 69-year-old matriarch killed in hit-and-run near her Uptown home. ‘She had a good heart … it was stripped away from us.’ Just witnessed someone speed up and intention strike a woman while crossing Broadway and Winona. Called police and…

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Joliet Grand Opening with a group of people

Huge Carbon Footprint … J. B. Pritzker spends $240,000 on Private jets

July 26, 2023

quarterly campaign finance disclosure documents show Illinois Governor spend upwards for private jet services with an Ohio Company … where he is traveling so much using campaign money, while he is suppose to be working for the State of Illinois…

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A group of people gathering at a park

Chicago Police Covering Up Costs of Security at Picnic Event

July 25, 2023

by John KuglerSubX.News Mayor Brandon Johnson is hiding public spending records less than 3 months into office. He is refusing to release how much it cost for his security detail to go the Chosen Few Picnic & Festival 2023 @…

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Business as usual flyer and poster

White Doper Welfare

July 25, 2023

The Congrees Threater is a privately owned building that was allowed to be dilapidated by its white owners and the city is giving them tax subsidies (TIFs) and on top of it, it’s not a business and it’s not an industry .. it is a hang out spot for dopers and freaks

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Leftwing Fascism Thrives in City Hall Chicago

Leftwing Fascism Thrives in City Hall Chicago

July 22, 2023

By John Kugler July 22, 2023 http://SubX.News Kill the Pizza Delivery Man, Rob the Ice Cream Truck Guy, CTA Murders, this is not reparations, this is not redistribution, this is not revolution, it is state sponsored Urban Terrorism. Giving $27…

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Mary Richardson Lowry sitting in a room

Mayor BJ Appoints another school closer Daley Crony to his Administration … Not Too Progressive

July 19, 2023

early in the Johnson administration he appointed Rich Guidice led the city’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications from 2019 until earlier this month, when he announced his retirement from the department who worked under mayors Lori Lightfoot, Rahm Emanuel and Richard…

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COPA releases details of sexual misconduct investigation

Migrant Rape Case … No Victims, No Witnesses, No Testimony …

July 18, 2023

“I can confirm that to date, we have not identified any migrants claiming to be the victim of sexual assault or any form of sexual misconduct by CPD members” The Civilian Office of Police Accountability Chicagos police oversight agency provided…

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Ashley Griggs with her red color hair

? Ashley Griggs-Turner, 40, Murdered in Chicago Mass Shooting

July 18, 2023

? Ashley Griggs-Turner, 40, Murdered in Chicago Mass Shooting …

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Chicago Mayors Office on a white background

He’s the Murder Mayor … Brandon Johnson Gives Praise to Rahmn Emanuel Two Peas in a Pod

July 17, 2023

“Look at the murder rate in this city. He’s murdering schools. He’s murdering jobs. He’s murdering housing. I don’t know what else to call him. He’s the murder mayor,” she said. Praising someone who’s closed the most black schools in…

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