Bessie Braddock, MP: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.” Winston: “Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow, I shall be sober and you…”#BroComeGetYourTío#UnicornDrunk#18thStreetVideo from Roberto Montañ
Read MoreFrank Coconate was an authentic anti-Daley gadfly who talked to reporters and refused to be just another ‘yes-man’ from the precincts. He died recently at age 65. Frank L. Coconate, age 65, passed away unexpectedly on June 24, 2023.…
Read MoreWicker Park man allegedly microwaved kitten to death, killed several others … each of the kittens he killed were named Shelly By Fox 32 Digital StaffPublished July 12, 2023 10:19AM A Wicker Park man was accused of killing six kittens…
Read MoreThe 223-page document released Thursday includes an ambitious progressive education agenda for the former middle school teacher and union organizer who took office in May. Mila Koumpilova, Chalkbeat Chicago 7:22 AM CDT on Jul 11, 2023 CHICAGO — Create a…
Read July 6, 2023 (1 hour ago) 2023 Mayoral Transition Report Nearly 400 Chicagoans, representing a wealth of diverse perspectives, served on 11 transition committees that offered robust ideas and recommendations for Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration. They represent an…
Read MoreThe new board will have a different feel than in past years when consultants, lawyers and bankers filled many of the seven seats. Only one of Johnson’s appointees is a lawyer, and she runs a legal aid organization. By Sarah Karp…
Read MoreIt’s funny when people be plotting and scheming trying to destroy what we have built from the ground up especially people connected with the Chicago Teachers Union, CORE, DSA, fake social justice activists and now the Mayor’s office with racism…
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