Leftwing Fascism Thrives in City Hall Chicago

By John Kugler

July 22, 2023


Kill the Pizza Delivery Man, Rob the Ice Cream Truck Guy, CTA Murders, this is not reparations, this is not redistribution, this is not revolution, it is state sponsored Urban Terrorism.

Giving $27 million to a private company to open a dope hang out or $15,000 for six months’ rent to non-citizens, is paying people to be on your side.

To keep working people and the rest of us schmucks in check and diverted from the real problem coming down the pipe, the economy.

You say hogwash, Kug, that just more conspiracy talk.

Unchecked criminal behavior in the name of Treatment not Trauma is a diversion and the tool to power.

We are living in a neo-fascist state where the politicians use crisis to take more control over our everyday lives in the name of social justice.

When politicians demand defunding the police while having a 10-man taxpayer security detail 24/7, the bullshit alert should be flashing bright red.

If it so safe and cops so bad, then walk the talk. Or just stay home and work remote, saving us some money, to pay for them youth summer jobs and snow shoveling.

Wait ‘til they jack up the taxes some more and make us have a QR code to travel around the city.

Oh that already happened, foolish me.

Welcome to the Second City … HiHo

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