Past cover up of sex crimes against children in CPS by politicians and government …
(1987) James G. Moffat, was a former high school principal and once deputy superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools, the second highest-ranking post in the school system.
The sexual attacks and abuse of children he was charged with happened at Kelvyn Park High School, 4343 W. Wrightwood Ave., in the 1980s
Moffat engaged in sex in his office with one boy for nearly two years, sometimes as often as two or three times a week, the filing said. The boy was 15 when the abuse began in the spring of 1982 after Moffat promised to reinstate him in school, get him a basketball scholarship and change his grades, prosecutors said.
When the boy tired of the sexual relations, Moffat asked him to bring girls to his office, the filing said. In October 1983, the boy brought his girlfriend to Moffat`s office, and the principal had sex with her, prosecutors said.
Moffat also promised to help another 15-year-old boy with his failing grades in return for sex, prosecutors said. The two engaged in sex in Moffat`s office at least twice a week during that school year, the filing said.
In seeking to have Moffat immediately taken into custody, the petition accused him of using his position as principal ”to bully and bribe these young students to gratify his sexual desires.”
He was defended at the criminal trial by Anne Burke.
That’s right, the same Anne Burke who went on to lead the “investigation” into the misconduct of Catholic priests. The same Anne Burke who is now a justice on the Illinois Supreme Court. When guys this powerful carefully select their victims from among the powerless, they also often share their victims with others, often equally powerful.
The court found defendant guilty at the conclusion of the evidence. A sentencing hearing was held and the court heard arguments in mitigation and aggravation. Defendant also spoke on his own behalf, again denying the allegations.
The court then sentenced defendant to concurrent terms of 15 years for the indecent liberties charges and 5 years for the official misconduct charges.
And now 35 years later ….
(2022) Chicago Teachers Union Paid and Allowed a Sexual Predator to Work with Female Teachers
John Kugler – May 02, 2022
Eric Skalinder a well connected union offical continued to be on the payroll of the Chicago Teachers Union and mentor teachers, go into schools and have access to students information and videos dispite being accused of inappropriate contact with students, grooming students, dating former students, talking to students on Tinder and having sexual relations with teachers that he worked with.
The Chicago Teachers Union allowed a teacher Accused of Sexual Harrasment of Students to continue to work in the school system and mentor teachers for National Board Certification. The teachers union violated Chicago Public Schools rules in this case. The CTU not only allowed him to continue to work with teachers and students, but paid him to do so as a National Board Mentor.
Substance News has investigated with independent sources, eyewitnesses, and, through the FOIA process, a cover-up that harmed students, staff, and the community by allowing someone accused of sex harasment of students to continue to have access to children in the Chicago Public Schools and one Suburban High School.
We will be releasing evidence of a connected white teacher who could maneuver the public education system in Chicago to continue to work in the school system and get extra pay while accused of inappropriate contact with students. The accused individual continued to be on the payroll of the Chicago Teachers Union and transferred to another teaching job in the suburbs during his investigation of sexual contact with students.
He was a National Board Certifed Mentor for the Chicago Teachers during the time when he was under investigation for sexual harasment and inappropriate conduct with students and staff at a Chicago public High school. He did all of this while running a private bondage, kink, leather, fetish, and BDSM club out of his basement as a not-for-profit company while employed at the Chicago Public Schools, Galleria Domain 2 at the time located at 3459 N Kildare Ave, Chicago Illinois 60641-3831, the same address he used for his job in the Chicago Public Schools.
He had secondary employment that should have been cleared with the Department of Ethics in Chicago Public Schools for conflicts of interest, which we see no record of happening. He somehow got a sex club license to operate in a residential neighborhood on the northside of Chicago designated as a not-for-profit business by the federal government.
The implications of this case go beyond the high school where he worked.
It shows the failure of the Chicago Public Schools, Department of Permits, Department of Buildings, Office of Inspector General, District 225, National Board Certification, Illinois State Board of Education, Secretary of State, Internal Revenue Service, Chicago, and National News media outlets to protect some of the most vulnerable children in our city.
Eric Skalinder is a well-connected union official who continued to be on the payroll of the Chicago Teachers Union. He was the Parlementarian of the Union. Meaning that he could overide the President of the Union during official meetings if he thought they violated the rules of the meeting. He continued to mentor teachers. He continued to go into schools and access students’ information and videos despite being accused of inappropriate contact with students, grooming students, dating former students, talking to students on tinder, and having sexual relations with teachers and former students.
In one case documented with the Chicago Public Schools, he was having a relationship with a fellow teacher at the high school he worked at, this gave him access to this teachers’ teenage child, who attended the same school. Through his relationship with the fellow teacher, he was able to be alone with teachers’ teenage child, it was documented that Eric Skalinder transported this teenage child his peronal vehicle and his motorcylcle mutiple times in violation of CPS rules and may have taken the teachers’ teenage child to his house where he had a sex dungeon in his basement.
In one case documented with the Chicago Public Schools, he was having a relationship with a fellow teacher at the high school he worked at, this gave him access to this teachers’ teenage child, who attended the same school. Through his relationship with the fellow teacher, he was able to be alone with teachers’ teenage child and may have taken the teachers’ teenage child to his house the same house where he had a sex dungeon in his basement.
April 6, 2020, Eric Skalinder had his teaching liscense revoked. Febrauary 6, 2020 he signed a letter to surrender his teaching liscense. March 21, 2017, before that, he was fired from his Glenbrook High School teaching job.
September 23, 2016 he resigned from the Chicago Public Schools in lieu of discplianry action.
January 19, 2016 the first official report was made in the chicago public schools regarding his inappropriate conduct with students and staff. 2014-2015 school year looks like he started somekind of relationship with a teacher at a Chicago high school and started driving her daughter home who also attended the same high school.
August 27, 2004 he started teaching the Chicago Public Schools.
July 9, 2002 he or his brothers started Galleria Domain Two (GD2) a private, membership-only 501(c)(7) nonprofit social [sex] club located in Chicago, IL. [3459 N Kildare Ave] with two large play rooms of unique, high-quality BDSM furniture, two social areas, and a library. Open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, GD2 is the place to meet people with similar interests, find fellowship, and learn about kink, leather, fetish, and BDSM.
GD2 and its members embrace the full spectrum of human sexuality and eroticism, from sensualism and playful spanking to heavy BDSM, role-playing to full-time power exchange, crossdressing to Leather, monogamy to swinging to polyamory, curiosity to fetishes, and all points in between and beyond.
Currently Eric Skalinder is a Senior Community Association Manager with NS Management a Real Estate Brokerage and Management Service.
His profile reads: A Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA), Eric builds trust-based relationships with all association stakeholders. Based on experience with over 100 diverse community associations in the Chicago metro area he shares thoughtful and deliberate guidance about all facets of management – from procedural details to maintenance and repairs to capital projects and long-term planning. Eric excels at consensus building and conflict resolution and he actually enjoys Robert’s Rules of Order. Outside of work Eric rides a motorcycle, gardens, sings in multiple ensembles, and conducts an a cappella choir.
On the managements website it says their Values are To help our communities thrive, we support the following organizations.
Sister Paulanne Needy Family Fund
Lions Club of Glenview
Lurie Children’s Hospital
Eric is one of three identical triplets [ Brian (Jie) Skalinder, Eric (Liz Pfau) Skalinder, and Wilson (Serena) Skalinder ] with one, Wilson Skalinder listed on tax documents as President and Treasurer May 15, 2016 on 11/18/2021 of the sex club that Eric used as his official public schools address.
His father is part of the elite ruling class in Chicago as seen by his pedigree and his Uncle, his father’s brother L. Eric Skalinder, works or worked for Francis W. Parker School one of the most exclusive and expensive private schools in Chicago.
That is how we believe he was able to get a job in the suburbs after quitting CPS before getting fired for his inappropriate contact and communications with students at Kelly High School.
Gregg Skalinder was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 24, 1944 to Lewis Skalinder, bassist with the Art Van Damme Quintet, and Velta Press Skalinder, pianist. His inherited passion for music shone through in his ringing tenor. Gregg became a chorister at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Evanston, Illinois beginning in 1953. Over the years, he inspired two generations of Skalinders, including his children, grandchildren, and nephews to be a part of the choir. Gregg sang his last Evensong just months before his death.
His years singing in the Harvard Glee Club inspired him to found the a cappella group Coriolis in 1988. Their yearly Christmas and Spring concerts featured a special focus on 20th and 21st-century music, which Gregg spent years researching and conducting. Coriolis concerts always included what Gregg called his “witty blather,” comments on the origin and history of each piece.
Gregg graduated with a B.A. from Harvard in 1965 and a J.D. from the University of Chicago in 1968. Gregg never met a number he didn’t like. He worked as an actuary at various firms until he became a founding partner of Skalinder Wilkinson Associates (SWA). In 1995 he established his own firm, Freestyle Consulting.
Gregg Lewis Skalinder, beloved husband and father, musician and actuary, died peacefully on September 18, 2022.
We are only at the tip of the iceberg of this story: an open investigation of the complete corruption of the systems supposed to protect the public from alleged sexual predators like Eric Skalinder.
If anyone is a witness or has more information about this case, you can contact [email protected]
If you fear you are in immediate danger, contact 911 to receive the most immediate response.
If you have been or are a victim of sex trafficking, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline Call 1-888-373-7888 ( TTY: 711)
Text – BEFREE (233733)
When the Chicago Public Schools Covered Up a Sexual Predator Principal whose digital footprint has been scrubbed by the ruling class
… the Moffat case was not only important to Chicago because it showed that justice could be done, but also because it showed that with clout some of Chicago’s most powerful citizens could get away with rape — provided that the victims were carefully selected from the least powerful groups in the city.
George Schmidt and Substance covered former principal of Kelvyn Park James Moffat’s terrible sex crimes, George was instrumental in blowing the whistle.
The social worker Marsha Niazmand sent an email to [email protected] and we published her words as a comment on Terry Daniels’ piece.
She wrote: “In 1984 a student approached me stating that she had been molested by her principal. Eventually I learned that she was one of many female and male victims. I tried to report this matter to higher-ups at the Board and was rebuffed. It was only with the aid and support of George that the perpetrator was finally held to account. Without George I would not have had access to a lawyer and to union leaders who were willing to take the matter seriously. I will always appreciate his help.”
Moffat page disappears from Illinois sex offender information system
George N. Schmidt – June, 2007
The most notorious sexual predator in the history of Chicago’s public schools system has disappeared from the Illinois Sex Offender data base, a Substance investigation revealed.
James Moffat, who was a personal friend of the Daley family when he served as Chicago’s Deputy Superintendent of Schools (Management Services) during the 1970s, was convicted of more than 30 counts of criminal sexual misconduct during a two month trial in January and March 1987.
On March 23, 1987, Moffat was convicted of sexual crimes against five victims, four boys and one girl. All of the victims had been students at Kelvyn Park High School, where Moffat served as principal from 1980 until being removed from the school in March 1984 when investigations of allegations of sexual misconduct against him were lodge with both the Superintendent of Schools and with Cook County State’s Attorney (Richard M. Daley).
Despite his political influence, Moffat was finally indicted in 1985. He continued to receive his pay as a Chicago Public Schools administrator throughout the criminal trial.
Moffat was found guilty by Criminal Court Judge Francis Mahon on ten counts of indecent liberties with a child and 13 counts of official misconduct. The crimes involved sexual acts that took place at the school, often during school hours, with all five of the victims.
Moffat’s defense team included Anne Burke, who has since gone on the a position on the Illinois Supreme Court.
The Moffat case was not only important to Chicago because it showed that justice could be done, but also because it showed that with clout some of Chicago’s most powerful citizens could get away with rape — provided that the victims were carefully selected from the least powerful groups in the city.
Throughout the investigation that led to Moffat’s eventual indictment and then through the trial and even up to the sentencing, many of those who supported Moffat were convinced that he would never spend a day in jail because his power and influence were too great. Not only did his defense team consist of some of the most powerful people in Chicago, but Moffat’s supporters went out of their way to intimidate those who wanted him brought to justice.
After the Moffat conviction, Moffat’s supporters continued to hold powerful postiions in Chicago’s public schools and at the school system’s central office.
By Eileen Ogintz
Chicago Tribune
May 08, 1989 at 12:00 am
Marsha Niazmand wasn`t sure where to turn. The school social worker was convinced her principal at Kelvyn Park High School had molested at least two students.
Niazmand tried to go through proper channels at the Chicago Board of Education to report her suspicians about James Moffat, a powerful former deputy superintendent, but she felt she was getting nowhere. ”I got the feeling from people that nothing was going to happen,” Niazmand said. Then, just after Christmas in 1984, she called George Schmidt.
She had been told he could help. Schmidt, a high school English and journalism teacher and anti-Vietnam war activist, was an editor of the controversial monthly newspaper Substance.
Produced from a dingy South Loop office by a volunteer staff of reform-minded politically interested teachers, Substance views itself as a muckraking journal dedicated to exposing wrongs within the Chicago Public Schools, wrongs that otherwise might go undetected.
Substance broke the story about Moffat, and eventually he was convicted.
”Boondoggle (is) our favorite word,” joked Larry MacDonald, one of Substance`s founders and a current editor.
”We trust people (like Marsha Niazmand) who have a story to tell no one wants to believe,” explained Schmidt, who now serves as the struggling journal`s editor. He temporarily resigned last year when he ran unsuccessfully against Jacqueline Vaughn for president of the Chicago Teachers Union. ”We`ll try to at least tell the truth,” Schmidt said.
He stressed that Substance`s voice is ”from the classroom.” Perhaps as a result of that voice-and its sources-the newspaper is read by teachers, education reformers, reporters, Board of Education bureaucrats and PTA leaders, among others. ”It gets attention,” acknowledges Board spokesman Bob Saigh, ”I just question its credibility.”
He noted, for example, the time Substance incorrectly reported that Board of Education officials hadn`t filed required financial disclosure reports. Schmidt acknowledged that mistake and said Substance corrected the error.
Yet those who read Substance believe that despite the newspaper`s heavy anti-Board of Education, antiunion leadership stance and rhetoric, and even though some of its stories don`t check out, the feisty little newspaper often has the inside track on the Chicago Public Schools.
Substance, which began in 1975 as a newsletter to air substitute teachers` grievances, was the first to challenge ”superteacher” Marva Collins` claims of success teaching ghetto students at her Westside Preparatory School, claims that later could never be substantiated by test results. Earlier it had disclosed that a Chicago Teachers Union delegate was using her position to act as an informant for the Chicago Police Department. Through the years, Substance has reported on pay scales and budgets, class size and curriculum, school strikes, the foibles of the teachers union and the board`s bureaucrats.
”They`re on target,” says Phil Ponce, who has covered education for WBBM-TV. ”They`re gadflies and they`re good at it. . . . They`ve steered us to stories.”
”They keep us on our toes,” added another reporter for a major Chicago media outlet.
”Substance supplies a lot of information not featured very much anywhere in the media,” says Fred Hess, who heads the Chicago Panel on School Policy, the coalition of 20 organizations working on school reform. ”It plays a crucial role in getting this information into the public discussion.”
Swatting the `elephant`
The Moffat investigation was a case in point-and Substance`s shining moment. In a North Side coffeeshop on a winter afternoon, Marsha Niazmand told Schmidt what students had told her about Moffat`s sexual advances and her own frustration at getting anything done.
”It looked to me like Schmidt has made a career of knowing the system inside out,” Niazmand explained. ”It was too overwhelming dealing with the board. You need as much support as you can get.”
Schmidt steered her to a lawyer and pursued the story. Several months later, in April, 1985, Schmidt broke what became a major story across the city, writing some 67 reports on the case over the next two years.
Moffat was convicted in 1987 of sexually abusing five students in his office and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He remains free during an appeal, a fact Schmidt reports in the latest Substance issue.
Niazmand, for her part, is convinced that without Schmidt, Substance and attorney Michael Radzilowski, Moffat never would have been prosecuted, though spokesmen for the Board of Education and the Chicago Teachers Union disagree. ”I would have been like a flea swatting an elephant,” Niazman says.
A failing budget
Despite Substance`s successess and its support from readers, however, the newspaper is barely surviving. Substance told its readers in the March/April issue that after 14 years, it was considering suspending publication. There simply was not enough staff-or money. Circulation is down to 2,500 because there aren`t enough volunteers to mail the papers to subscribers and sell it (the price is $1) in schools. Too often, staffers, who often give 20 hours or more a week to the paper, must dig into their own pockets to pay the bills. ”We`re operating by the seat of our pants,” concedes Leo Gorenstein, one of the editors, who teaches math.
”People are tired,” acknowledges Larry MacDonald, also a math teacher.
In addition, there have been reprisals. In 1979, the Board of Education tried to keep Substance from being sold or distributed in the city schools. Schmidt said Substance was forced to sue the Board of Education, charging violation of teachers` First Amendment rights, to get the paper back into the schools. The U.S. District Court ruled in Substance`s favor in 1981, and, Schmidt said, the newspaper has been distributed in the schools ever since.
Schmidt alleges that he has faced personal reprisals as well. ”They didn`t transfer me to 15 schools over a period of nine years just because the numbers came down like that,” Schmidt said.
Nonetheless, he and the others feel Substance is worth it. ”People need to know the truth to change the horror that is the Chicago Public Schools for large number of children and teachers in the city,” he said.
Calling all `angels`
Now, to keep going, Substance is taking a new tack. It is seeking 250
”angels” to pledge $100 to insure that the newspaper can meet its expenses for the coming year.
Regardless, the staff has elected to keep the operation afloat for now.
”I`ve worked for the Board for 21 years,” said Gerald Rudnick, who teaches at Riis Elementary School and is a Substance editor. ”I went to school in Chicago. My two children go to Chicago schools. What I do here is for the kids I teach and for my own kids.”
Rudnick and other Substance staffers complain that Board of Education bureaucrats and union leaders are hopelessly out of touch with what is going on in the city`s classrooms. They point out that suburban teachers typically are paid better-and have far better working conditions.
Rudnick compared his school-with paper shortages, hall lights that flicker and windows that must be taped in the winter to keep the snow out-to the comfort of the Board of Education`s Pershing Road headquarters.
The teacher`s union, for its part, thinks it is Substance that is out of touch. ”They are taking a point of view that is generally contrary to the mainstream,” said Chuck Burdeen, the union spokesman.
Adds Saigh, the Board`s spokesman; ”I don`t consider Substance a journalistic enterprise. . . They have an agenda and they go for it mercilessly or ruthlessly.”
That agenda, Substance editors say, is simple: They want to improve the schools-from learning to salaries to the physical facilities. Schmidt and the rest of the Substance staff plan to keep digging for malfeasance.
”This is a way to do something positive about education-without a picket line,” said Marilyn Clark, a counselor who has worked for Substance for about a year.
One night last week, a couple of Substance editors worked past 1 a.m. to meet the deadline for their latest issue. Rudnick explained why he was there, though he had to teach early the next morning: ”If you sit there and take it all of the time, you feel everything is against you,” he said.
”If you try to do something about it, at least you survive.”
SUBSCRIPT: Let’s take another look at the sex criminals’ cover ups and the victim selection… Sandusky, Moffat… Powerful guys who carefully screen their victims can get away with this stuff and have their crimes covered up by even more powerful people for years, even decades…
George N. Schmidt – November 10, 2011
While the State of Pennsylvania is still being rocked by the outpouring of revelations about the criminal misconduct of some of its most powerful officials (including Penn State football coach Joe Paterno and Penn State’s president), the case should revive some historical memories in Chicago as well. When Substance and I covered the sex crimes of former Chicago Deputy Superintendent of Schools James Moffat from 1984 through 1988, the same pattern early became clear to us: powerful men who surround themselves in a circle of power and carefully select their victims from the powerless can get away with rape for a long long time. It’s another story of the power of the “one percent”, but with a very perverse twist.
In a nutshell, the story is simple. A powerful public school official was a serial sex criminal over years. He was finally brought to justice, not through the workings of the system, but because a handful of people refused to allow the cover up to continue. So after years of being a predator, James Moffat was investigated, tried, and convicted of crimes against children. But we need to remember that the investigation was never done by Chicago Board of Education officials. Board officials actually helped clear Moffat of the charges in an administrative procedure that released its findings, ironically, at the same time the Cook County State’s Attorney indicted the guy for 35 different acts of sexual predation against five different victims, all of whom had been students at Kelvyn Park High School at the time of the crimes.
The formula was as simple as then, or now. A man has great power. He selects victims from among the powerless. Clout usually sins. Moffat, as principal of Kelvyn Park High School, was able to carefully screen his victims, thereby making it even more difficult to bring him to justice. (We elaborate below).
Once his crimes came out, however, it was even possible for Moffat to call on numerous friends and powerful acquaintances to help in the cover up.
Nobody in Chicago should forget that James Moffat, the most notorious sex criminal in the history of public life in Chicago, was defended at the criminal trial by Anne Burke.
That’s right, the same Anne Burke who went on to lead the “investigation” into the misconduct of Catholic priests. The same Anne Burke who is now a justice on the Illinois Supreme Court. When guys this powerful carefully select their victims from among the powerless, they also often share their victims with others, often equally powerful.
And even after justice is done, the historical coverups can continue. One of the more salient facts about the Moffat case is that it has been written out of the histories of sexual misconduct in America’s public schools, even though it is arguably the largest and most dramatic anywhere, in terms of power and scope. Whenever such criminal activity is recounted in publications like Education Week, the usual teacher creeps are recounted and often portrayed, often with photographs. Often the narrative begins with Mary Kay LeTouneau, the Seattle teacher who actually married her student victim. Most of the photographs you will find when such stories break are of female teachers who were caught with guy students. Not once has “American education’s newspaper of record” recounted Moffat’s crimes in these narratives.
Moffat’s crimes were first reported in Substance. At the time we exposed him as a sex criminal who preyed on the weak — after carefully screening them using his power as principal of Kelvyn Park High School in Chicago — Moffat had only recently been demoted from the job of Deputy Superintendent for Management Services in Chicago’s public schools. During his years in top management, as we later learned, Moffat had given, and received, many favors during the regimes of Richard J. Daley and Jane Byrne. Only the financial crisis of 1979 brought Moffat down from the heights of power. Moffat was also “cluster coordinator” for the doctoral program of Nova University, and head of night security at the Marshall Field State Street flagship store.
Even after he had been convicted of crimes involving five students (four boys and a girl) during a month-long criminal trial, Moffat still had enough clout to avoid prison in the general population at Stateville. Instead, he spent the five years he was incarcerated in the special unit at Cook County Jail.
And after his release, despite the notorious record he had established, within a few years Moffat s
Later, as I investigated portions of the story (which Substance covered in more than 60 news stories over three years) Moffat’s use of his power over information about potential victims became more and more clear. The first report (the “propositioned” report) was the tip of an iceberg. But one of the more disturbing things about it was that the victim’s mother was working as a teacher assistant at Kelvyn Park High School and desperately trying to hold her family together, working the only job she could find, while her husband was in prison. It was years before I finally was able to interview the mother, who told a sad tale of how a powerful man could manipulate such a situation.
It sounds now like an echo, as more and more spills out about Jerry Sandusky and the network of powerful men (no women so far) who facilitated his criminal predations.
One of the things we had heard but never reported was that Moffat had shared more than titilating stories with some of Chicago’s more powerful people during the years he was preying on adult women and on male and female children. Some joked at the time that those memories were a king of “life insurance” for Moffat.
[ Investigative Report ] Chicago Teachers Union Paid and Allowed a Sexual Predator to Work with Female Teachers by John Kugler – May 02, 2022
Former principal jailed for sex abuse
April 23, 1987 UPI Archives
Moffat page disappears from Illinois sex offender information system by George N. Schmidt – June, 2007
SUBSCRIPT: Let’s take another look at the sex criminals’ cover ups and the victim selection… Sandusky, Moffat… Powerful guys who carefully screen their victims can get away with this stuff and have their crimes covered up by even more powerful people for years, even decades…
By George N. Schmidt – November 10, 2011
James G. Moffat, Petitioner-appellant, v. Jerry Gilmore, Respondent-appellee, 113 F.3d 698 (7th Cir. 1997)
Annotate this Case U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit – 113 F.3d 698 (7th Cir. 1997)
Argued Sept. 20, 1996. Decided May 8, 1997. As Amended on Denial of Rehearing June 25, 1997
By Matt O`Connor Chicago Tribune
Jul 26, 1990 at 12:00 am
No. 1-87-1366
73599 Initial Docs (Request for Review – CPS FOIA) N011050- 051222 Skalinder Attachment
Demand for Documents Pedophile Skalinder Text Messasge FOIA RFR FI 73599 3g Und Burd Rep Req CPS Kugler (September 23, 2022)
Gregg Lewis Skalinder
February 24, 1944 – September 18, 2022