Where is All the Migrant Tent Paperwork? Oops

The 12th Ward Alderwoman and the mayor of Chicago suddenly act like the construction of a migrant tent city at 38th and California is happenstance.

They want people to believe that a bunch of bulldozers and trucks started tearing up an industrial property. Digging water pipes, sewer pipes, electric lines, and gas lines to make temporary living residences for people is happening by magic overnight.

All this supposedly without any planning, without any approvals, without any drawings, without any engineering, without any electricians, without material specs, without any ordering, all just happened in the blink of an eye.

Did the 38th and California Migrant Tent City go to the zoning committee, or did we miss all of that too?

The city is changing industrial land to residential land or something, since we don’t have any plans that have been made public.

Tearing up the streets and adding pipes, wouldn’t all that have to be approved through committees and different city departments and then have somebody sign their names and dates on those documents for each job and change?

All this should be done to ensure the work would be done according to municipal building and zoning codes, including public safety.

Was there a hazard and EPA assessment done on that property since it was industrial land, and maybe there are some chemicals and toxins there?

We want to make sure that our migrant brothers and sisters ain’t being poisoned by environmental hazards, would we?

And When and Where were all these work permits approved … signed off on … They usually are made public ahead of time, not after work has started.

Everybody knows all those are legal documents that need to be given to all the neighbors in the neighborhood before work starts on a project as big as this .. the last time I checked the rules….but who knows?

Maybe I’m wrong, I’m not a fancy lawyer or politician …

There are supposed to be site plans and designs that must be approved, especially if you’re digging in the ground, cutting into water pipes, and doing electrical work.

All have different departments downtown and have to be coordinated with electric and gas companies ahead of time and be stamped and written up by architects, engineers, and planners.

…. But again, I don’t know too much; I’m just a mean old guy on the internet …

How about we all ask the McKinley Park Development Council about all that fancy stuff, and why ain’t they asking those questions instead of doing political media work for an alderwoman?

And where are our buddies from neighbors for environmental justice? Did they check, did they check, or are they just going along to get along?

Magic construction, what a novelty.


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