The Scandal That Isn’t?

there is no pregnant minor, the pregnant females are months along with their future anchor babies, and there are no stripped cops

As pointed out by the FOP, under the so-called SAFETY Act, there are no sworn affidavits for CR/Log numbers any more. COPA and IAD have to take every single allegation that comes in and open an investigation, regardless of origin. That could possibly lead to abuses and a torrent of unfounded, impossible and unbelievable allegations.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

We’re told that numbers are through the roof and the backlog is well into the thousands, which as we all know means half-assed investigations and massive delays.

We are also getting emails that the origin for this supposed scandal is a vengeful ex with an extensive history of unfounded CR’s. There is no pregnant minor, the pregnant females are months along with their future anchor babies, and there are no stripped cops…which is a giant tell on it’s own. If there were the merest whiff of reality, there would be a few new seats at callback.

But the media, the mayor, the governor and the national press is running with the ball because THE NARRATIVE needs fresh blood and scandal to distract from the economy, the climbing inflation numbers, the faltering COVID narrative, the Ukraine war, the border disaster and the non-stop mess in Washington.

One has to wonder why the “media” here in town isn’t spending even a little bit of time on the 400+ allegations of sexual misconduct in the Chicago Public Schools. Those allegations are documented far better than a single unsigned affidavit involving the CPD. Names, dates, schools, even some teachers. It would be the simplest of articles to write or do hit pieces for the I-Team or similar “journalists.”

Or how about this? It involves migrants, too! On city property! Here’s the difficult investigative work for any aspiring “media” people who want it:

the two-six street gang is running a migrant prostitution ring in the Little Village neighborhood. When the sun goes down, exploitable women and underaged girls are being trafficked out the back doors of Piotrowski Park at 4247 W. 31st Street.

There you go. Who, what, where, when…and we didn’t even go to J-school.

John Catanzara President of Lodge 7 of the Fraternal Order of Police

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