So there a few other independent bloggers, crime chasers and news pages on Facebook and on Twitter that are being attacked … most likely it is to shut down independent reporting before the elections and the fall of the economy …
It happened during the George Floyd unrest, scores of pages were targeted and shut down by main stream media, political operatives and people who make money off of people’s misery …
First hint is people come to a place and start talking about the page rather than the content,
Second it starts to be personal between the profile commenting and the page admins, and
Last they say let’s shut this page down …
Think about it … why would anyone go somewhere or read something they don’t like …
Normal people don’t behave that way … its operatives and malcontents that want to control what people see who work to shut down free speech and the free press in our country …
It will get worse just watch …
Ain’t our first rodeo … HiHo
http://subx.news on the spot reporting