BJ Crony Migrant Cover-Up

… so we been asking for a few days now about how the migrants are being processed and shipped all over the city …

… when we asked on site, people were told not to talk to the press

… when we were told someone will get back to us, they never did

… when we emailed the person that was supposed to get back to us, they never responded

… so now a Sunday when im supposed be to be relaxing with my lady, so she doesn’t get all aggravated with my working all the time …

… i got to write another email to the city “officially” requesting the migrant transfer information …

… wanna bet they play all kinds of games to delay or say they don’t know what im talking about ….

… bet …


just to get everyone up to speed, we found out the other day that the city of Chicago was the ones making the migrants homeless on the streets of Chicago by taking them with yellow school buses and dropping them off at police stations throughout the city …

$140 million to Sleep on the Street … October 6th 2023 … migrant transfer from drop off location in downtown … the city of Chicago dropped off the migrants at 15th District police station … (video report)

$140 million to Sleep on the Street … October 6th 2023 … migrant transfer from drop off location in downtown … the city of Chicago dropped off the migrants at 15th District police station … It isn't people from Texas, it isn't Donald Trump who makes these people sleep outside … the city of Chicago paid $140 million to have migrants sleep on the street … Witnessed it with my own eyes … couldn't believe what I was watching … I don't believe there was any type of coordination or intake so the city knows where these people are at after they were dropped off. … did not see any gear or supplies to deal with the situation where they were dropped off … Been trying to get more information the city but they seem to think this should be a secret and the media has no rights to public information that tax payers are banking rolling … BJ gots my cell number … HiHo on the Spot Reporting …

Posted by Substance News on Friday, October 6, 2023


From: john kugler <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2023 4:26 PMTo: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Mayor’s Press Office <mayor’[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>Subject: (FOIA Request) Re: Information Request – Migrant Schedules, Supplies, Tracking and Distribution

To All Those Concerned,

Since a city worker is refusing to provide information to the media regarding migrant services even after we make an information request so the public can understand how their tax dollars and resources are being used for the migrants coming into our city …

… we want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding of what this communication is and was about …

… an official request for information from the media … it is now an “Official” FOIA Request and as per FOIA, we expect all the information requested withing five days, we are not agreeing to any extensions, since all the information we are requesting is being used on a daily basis to for operations of the migrant’s relocation services …

If anyone if confused by this request, please give a call we will help explain what we are asking for in simple terms for you to understand …

FOIA Request … Provide a list or records of:

1) Records or a list where and how migrants are distributed throughout the city that are put on the yellow school buses and sent to locations throughout the city from the Jefferson and Vernon Park location.

2) Records or a list of how many migrants are shipped to each city location from the Jefferson and Vernon Park location

3) Records or a list of intake and tracking of the migrants that are put on the yellow school buses and sent to locations throughout the city from the Jefferson and Vernon Park location.

4) Records or List of what supplies the migrants given by the city before they are dropped off at locations throughout the city from the Jefferson and Vernon Park location.

5) Records or List of what city workers are responsible for each location where there are migrants with contact information, duties, and work hours.

dr john kugler, editor

From: john kuglerSent: Friday, October 6, 2023 11:48 PMTo: [email protected] <[email protected]>Subject: Information Request – Migrants Schedules and Distribution

Mary got your information from a worker at the Jefferson drop off location. She said you would contact me yet you have not … I have few questions:

1) how are the migrant drop locations figured out when they are distributed throughout the city.

2) what intake and tracking do you do before the migrants are put on the yellow school buses and sent to locations throughout the city

3) what supplies are the migrants given by the city before they are dropped off at locations throughout the city

and so we are clear this is a media information request … i figure we can have a conversation and i can get the information am looking for the story I am working on … as well as a foia request if for some reason you do not want to share public information with a news reporter …

I figure we work together and get the public information about the services we are paying for.



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