Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying and Replacing Black students with Migrants in a Closed School

May be an image of 5 people, people standing and outdoors

BOARDWATCH: Rahm’s going to replace Jean-Claude Brizard with Barbara Byrd Bennett… One FNG outsider is as good as another, as long as she’s been vetted by the Broad Foundation and checks off that ‘diversity’ box in the billionaire’s check list by George N. Schmdt – September 08, 2012

Original Title:1344-schoolclosureguide

Uploaded by John Kugler Date uploaded on Feb 26, 2013

Description: The Broad Academy is a billionaire-funded venture that closely resembles Teach for America, but it trains aspiring school district superintendents instead of teachers. “Broadies” often come

Rahm Emanuel’s handpicked schools ‘Chief Executive Officer’, Barbara Byrd Bennett, has a second job working for Eli Broad against unions and public schools … and the photographs of her works in Detroit show Chicago’s future, despite the rhetoric and lies during the current ‘underutilization’ fight

John Kugler – February 23, 2013

CORRUPTION CPS: Did Vitale and Ruiz extend Byrd Bennett’s current contract just before the feds raided her homes?… Can CPS fire Barbara Byrd Bennett? Check out her complete contract… Approved by the Board of Education, but a well-kept secret…. John Kugler – April 26, 2015

Chicago Teachers Union group under fire for crowdfunding trip to socialist Venezuela

By Kenneth Garger August 20, 2019 12:53am

CAUSE by John Kugler March 31, 2022
News conference regarding the illegal do not hire list by the Chicago Public Schools that’s keeping black educators out of the system and helping their own communities thrive and strive. Sister Rosita Chatonda organized this event to bring attention to the lawsuit that black educators are being excluded from the public school system as part of the gentrification of the city of Chicago.

Migrant Death Ruled an Overdose 🙏 Luis Alberto Aguilar Peres, 23, Venezuelan living at the Woodlawn Shelter died of comnination of Fentanyl and Cocaine … 06/02/2023 06:48:00 AM … ME2023-03318 Report … autopsy results were just made public ….

Combined Drug (Fentanyl, 4-ANPP (Despropionyl Fentanyl) and recent Cocaine) Toxicity …

May be an image of 2 people and text

Migrant Shelter is located at the old Wadsworth Elementary School building, 6420 S. University Ave on the southside of Chicago.

Dec 26, 2023

“foaming at the mouth and unresponsive” migrant dies inside the old Wadsworth Elementary School building on Friday pronounced dead at the scene after Police arrived … Mayor Johnson and city officials disregarded warnings from black community

Immigrant dies at shelter at shuttered Woodlawn school that stirred controversy

Though the police haven’t said any crime was involved in the death, Ald. Jeanette Taylor said the first known death of an immigrant at a city of Chicago-operated shelter will heighten community concerns.

By Fran Spielman, Tom Schuba and Michael Loria

Jun 2, 2023, 2:28pm CDT Sun-Times

An immigrant died Friday morning at a shuttered elementary school in Woodlawn that’s being used as a temporary shelter, marking the first publicly known death at a city-owned facility since large numbers of immigrants began arriving in Chicago last year.

Officers responded about 6:15 a.m. to a call of a 26-year-old man who was “foaming at the mouth and unresponsive” at the old Wadsworth Elementary School building, 6420 S. University Ave., according to an alert from the Chicago Police Department obtained by the Sun-Times.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A police spokesperson didn’t provide any additional information but said detectives were conducting a death investigation, indicating the fatality isn’t thought to be criminal in nature.

Natalia Derevyanny, a spokeswoman for the Cook County medical examiner’s office, said an autopsy hasn’t been conducted yet. The man hasn’t been publicly identified because his family hasn’t been notified of his death, she said.

Andris and Jose Duarte didn’t know the man who died, but Jose Duarte, 23, said his passing shook him deeply. “It’s weird because we don’t know what happened,” he said.

The couple from Venezuela arrived in Chicago a few weeks ago with their 5-year-old daughter, Leoskylls. The mother and daughter have been staying at a temporary shelter in Piotrowski Park in Little Village, while Jose Duarte has been sleeping at the Wadsworth respite center.

He said he heard about the death from others staying there who said the man was found dead by his roommates when they got up to look for work.

“They tried shaking him several times, but he wasn’t getting up,” Duarte was told. “We didn’t even know him, but he’s a human being.”

Johan Ferrer, an immigrant from Venezuela, knew the man who died only in passing. Still, he said he was disturbed by the discovery, given how far they’d both traveled.

“One comes a long way. One comes for a dream,” said Ferrer, 36. “Passing through the jungle and everything, it’s not easy.”

The death comes as the city grapples with a growing immigrant crisis that has led to racially charged public debates over funding to support the influx of arrivals and where to house them.

Since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began sending immigrants to Chicago by bus and plane last August, more than 8,000 have arrived, mostly from Central and South America.

The proposal to turn Wadsworth Elementary into a respite center stirred controversy among Woodlawn residents, leading to allegations of racism against some Black residents who opposed the plan.

Local Ald. Jeanette Taylor (20th) said the first known death of an immigrant will only exacerbate community concerns.

“I just want to make sure it wasn’t a fight, a shooting or anything like that,” Taylor said. “But it’s a death, so people are definitely going to be concerned. And because it was there, we got to make sure that he wasn’t sick, [and] it wasn’t disease.”

A cathartic and racially charged debate in the City Council Wednesday reduced Taylor to tears as she explained how torn she was about supporting the use of surplus funds to house, feed and care for migrants when the needs of Chicago’s Black residents continue to be ignored.

“Don’t let these tears fool you,” she said during the debate. “When I have these tears, it’s usually because I’m mad as hell and I want to fight.”

After airing her longstanding grievances, Taylor declared her intention to vote in favor of $51 million in funding, saying “it’s the right thing to help other people because, as Black people, that’s what we do.”

“But when the hell are you gonna help us?” she added.

Her colleagues gave her a standing ovation as voices from the gallery could be heard shouting “traitor” and “sellout.”

Taylor is a close ally of Mayor Brandon Johnson and the mayor’s choice to chair the City Council’s Education Committee. She said she plans to meet with him on Monday to “figure out next steps toward keeping the community and migrants safe.”

“We need to be transparent and talk about what’s the real plan to get people taken care of,” she said.

“A lot of that was never discussed with me, nor was it discussed with the community,” added Taylor, who claimed former Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration had kept critical information from her.

She raised questions about how the shelter at Wadsworth is being run, and that 500 men were being housed there with just 80 women.

“That’s a recipe for disaster,” she said. “I’m concerned about that. Now with this death [and] not really knowing what happened, I’m concerned about the health issues that might be in there.”

She said she plans to urge Johnson to thoroughly examine “the spaces, how we take care of them and then what actually happens there.”…/immigrant-dies-woodlawn…

picture credit Neighbors held a memorial service June 10, 2023 at Concord Missionary Baptist Church for Venezuelan migrant Luis Alberto Aguilar Peres. Credit: Jacqueline Cardenas/Block Club Chicago…/south-siders-preach…


City of Chicago and School District Caught Lying to Woodlawn residents Dec 31 2022, at 5:24 PM Video Report CBS2 News

Woodlawn residents frustrated over lack of transparency about planned migrant shelter at old school chicago

BY LAUREN VICTORY DECEMBER 29, 2022 / 7:35 PM / CBS CHICAGO…/woodlawn-residents…

Chicago Boys

Fired Black educators file lawsuit against Chicago Public Schools over wrongful termination organized by CAUSE

Rosita Chatonda – CAUSE – April 01, 2022

Turnaround Schools

Jennifer Wholey | December 1, 2011 9:00 am

Fired Black educators file lawsuit against Chicago Public Schools over wrongful termination organized by Rosita Chatonda March 31, 2022 Video Report Fox32 News

Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying Replacing Blacks students with Migrants in a Closed School

John Kugler – January 02, 2023

Chicago Teachers Union adds to lawsuit against AUSL, elaborating charges of racism against the ‘national model’ for Obama administration ‘turnarounds’… Action comes after most AUSL people have been eliminated from CPS power…

George N. Schmidt – September 18, 2015

Chicago Teachers Union group under fire for crowdfunding trip to socialist Venezuela By Kenneth Garger

August 20, 2019 12:53am…/chicago-teachers-union-group…

CTU Resolution to Oppose the Invasion of Venezuela

By House of Delegate | March 12, 2019 | News, Resolutions…/resolution-oppose-invasion…

Viva Maduro! The Chicago Teachers Union’s Solidarity Trip To Venezuela By: Mark Glennon* July 28, 2019…/

Cawley and Vitale should be called the ‘Turnaround Twins’… Their roots are both in AUSL, Chicago’s masters of education ‘turnaround’… Do the Tribune’s editors want their ‘turnaround’ sweet hearts to take over the CPS ‘turnaround’ now on the ruling class’s agenda… by George N. Schmidt – June 08, 2015

The latest multi-million dollar lie from David Vitale! Near North High School building was never ‘sold’ by the Chicago Board of Education!… Vitale’s latest Big Lie will cost taxpayers $50 to $100 million in 2014 – 2015. But the lies of this Board began as soon as Rahm appointed them… by George N. Schmidt – June 01, 2014

AUSL? Conflicts of Interest Abound in Board Decision to Turn Around Dvorak, Gresham and McNair… Conflicts of interest charged after Board of Education votes again to turn schools over to AUSL by Valerie Leonard – April 28, 2014

Federal prosecutors seek seven years in prison for Rahm’s corrupt former schools ‘Chief Executive Officer’ Barbara Byrd Bennett… while Tribune still supports Rahm’s power over the public schools against an elected school board!… by George N. Schmidt – April 08, 2017

CORRUPTION CPS: Did Vitale and Ruiz extend Byrd Bennett’s current contract just before the feds raided her homes?… Can CPS fire Barbara Byrd Bennett? Check out her complete contract… Approved by the Board of Education, but a well-kept secret….

by John Kugler – April 26, 2015

HISTORY LESSON: Cleveland investigation and then a Substance report showed Barbara Byrd Bennett’s history of corruption had been exposed in Cleveland long before the ‘scandal’ of the $20 million no-bid SUPES deal became Chicago ‘news’…

by John Kugler – May 01, 2017

Chicago teachers need to know Broad Foundation mercenaries — who they are, how they are trained, and why their mistreatment of parents and teachers are part of their mission, — and not an accident by John Kugler – April 15, 2012

Eli Broad: The billionaire behind the charter school attack on unions and America’s democratic public schools by George N. Schmidt – August 31, 2009

DISSENT magazine exposes role of Broad, Gates and Walton foundations in attack on public education… How billionaires rule our schools by Joanne Barkan – February 06, 2011

Byrd Bennett’s ‘underutilization crisis’ was written into a script published by the Broad Foundation three years ago (and removed from the Broad website last week)…Who is Eli Broad and why does he want to destroy public education and turn teacher unions into company unions? by Ken Derstine – February 23, 2013

Emanuel’s handpicked schools ‘Chief Executive Officer’, Barbara Byrd Bennett, has a second job working for Eli Broad against unions and public schools … and the photographs of her works in Detroit show Chicago’s future, despite the rhetoric and lies during the current ‘underutilization’ fight by John Kugler – February 23, 2013

With Ohio residency and voter registration… Barbara Byrd Bennett lectures Chicago on how to close Chicago schools — and what’s ‘best’ for African American kids in Chicago — while officially living and maintaining voter registration in Ohio in violation of Chicago residency and ethic rules by John Kugler – April 03, 2013

Original Title:1344-schoolclosureguide

Uploaded by John Kugler Date uploaded on Feb 26, 2013

Description: The Broad Academy is a billionaire-funded venture that closely resembles Teach for America, but it trains aspiring school district superintendents instead of teachers. “Broadies” often come…/127292372/1344-schoolclosureguide

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