Lots of Resources Being Spent on Migrants … What will be the Return

Popcorn Parking … 613 p.m. May 29th 2024 … Sheriffs patrolling the migrant area … HiHo


City Resources Diverted .. about 6:15 p.m. Plymouth and Van Buren as you can see there’s a lot of police resources here babysitting these migrants people that should probably not even be in the country in the first place … What’s the status of those asylum hearings …


Looting versus Babysitting … 6:37 p.m. May 29th 2024 migrant Landing Zone Des Plaines and Polk ,,, there was a radio call of looting yet thi ssquad car was stationed here


Children as props to beg for money … Yeah it’s kind of illegal in the city and in our state .. 655 p.m. Dan Ryan exit ramp Northbound at Roosevelt Chicago … Is anyone actually believe that this woman and these children want to be doing that or do you think they’re forced to do it get no one’s investigated it have they …


pic credit @Thathypanth

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