8 Years Ago … Nasty and Dangerous: Schools under Rahm Control (NSFW) May 27, 2016.. Jadine Chou is Still there … that is how they do it … Get it … HiHo

“That’s the risk you take working for CPS,” someone from the Central Office stated. (5/19/16)

by Hyde Park Johnny

Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

Friday, May 27, 2016 at 6:01:03a CDT


Jadine Chou CPS Chief Safety Officer and Chicago Mayor Mayor Rahm Emanuel at a 2014 news conference touting school safety and security. (DNAinfo/Ted Cox)
human waste on floor of Chicago Public School
human waste on floor of Chicago Public School
human waste on floor of Chicago Public School
human waste on floor of Chicago Public School
human waste on floor of Chicago Public School
These are pictures of a teachers car with bullet holes at a school she was working at. her car was impounded by Chicago Police as evidence as part of an active crime scene. To add insult to injury the school district told the teacher they would not pay for the repairs to her car. (5/18/16)
bullet hole in a Chicago schools teachers car during work
I am forwarding several emails regarding the gang related shooting on at Beidler Elementary, May 18th, 2016. Additionally, on that day, I spoke with CPS’ safety and security officers on the scene, specifically asking what process I could seek to address the damage to my vehicle, as I was working at the time of the incident. Both officers stated it was not “a cps issue or cps liability.”

They then informed me that they had to leave to address a stabbing incident at Heffernan Elementary. I made a call to CPS offices to seek guidance and assistance, was transferred to many departments throughout my call, and given zero direction or guidance. I even had someone state, “That’s the risk you take working for CPS.”
Just to show these are not new types of safety issues in Chicago schools the next set of pictures are of a substitutes teachers stolen car. students took his keys from his jacket during class. got into a high speed police chase and crashed the new car lees than a year old. Everything in his car was stolen radio, personal laptop and other belonging and the car smelled like dope. Chicago schools told this teacher they were not responsible for what students do and it was his fault he did not watch his keys better. POLICE REPORT HY195345 (3/23/15)
Chicago schools teacher car stolen by students during class and crashed after high speed chase during the school day
Chicago schools teacher car stolen by students during class and crashed after high speed chase during the school day

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